Fire Risk Assessment

Fire risk assessment is the process whereby hazards (anything with the potential to cause harm) are identified on site. The risks (likelihood of the hazard resulting in harm) are then assessed for each of the identified hazards. The degree of risk can then be used to prioritise control measures, which will ensure the risk of injury is reduced to an acceptable level.

However, once the hazards have been identified, the first consideration must be to determine whether it is possible to remove the hazard completely and thus avoid the need to control the risk(s) associated with it. Where it is not possible to remove the hazard in terms of either cost or practicality, then control measures must be implemented.

The fire risk assessment will be produced with reference to the appropriate guide/guides and in compliance with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.

The following details our fire risk assessment protocol, which is based on the 5 steps of a risk assessment contained in the guides:

Step 1 – Identify fire hazards
Step 2 – Identify people at risk
Step 3 – Evaluate, remove, reduce and protect from risk
Step 4 – Record, plan, inform, instruct and train
Step 5 – Review

JNS will identify the fire hazards on your site as part of the fire risk assessment process. For all the identified hazards, during the visit we will make judgments as to how far you are complying (or not) with the legislation and best practice. These judgments are made by assessing your existing control measures in place and determining whether they are satisfactory or not.

Where we consider your existing controls to be unsatisfactory i.e. you are not complying with the legislation and best practice, we will make recommendations in order to advise you how to either remove the hazard or reduce the risk through improving the level of control.

As part of the process we will attend your site and present a report to you (if required) this will help you fully understand the issues we have identified and the control measure we have recommended.

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Risk assessments carried out to identify fire hazards and remove, reduce and protect from risk
Risk assessments carried out to identify fire hazards and remove, reduce and protect from risk